Under the Table Books


WHY YOU ARE HERE and other stories

whyyouhearevover | Under the Table Books

The fifteen stories in this volume take place in the lovely town of Mercy on the north coast of California: tales of self-discovery, love, survival, friendship, creativity, and the quest for meaningful ways to spend this precious life. Each story may be read as a stand-alone creation, or the stories may be read as interconnected tales giving the reader an experience akin to reading a novel.

Poets, chess masters, bartenders, artists, musicians, purveyors of cannabis, sheriffs, writers, moviemakers, shopkeepers, dogs, gardeners, children, auto mechanics, psychotherapists, and actors populate these stories about facing the ceaseless challenges of being human: the need for love, the sorrow of loss, confusion, doubt, hope, the longing to be seen and heard, and our great desire to belong. 

Available from:


Under the Table Books
Box 366
Mendocino, CA 95460


website by Garth Hagerman